Love, life & everything's else in between, motivation and inspiration, personal

#QOTD #9

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Not that screaming , irate client on the other side of the line.

Not that picture perfect model on the cover of the most popular magazine.

Not that popular girl or captain of the football team.

Not even that bully in school or the most intelligent person in your class/ team.

… can make you feel inferior without your consent. You possess power, use it wisely:

You have the power to not be changed by what people do and have the power to choose how you will react to any situation.

Think of yourself how you would want others to think of you. 

That’s right! It starts with you. 

As I always say, we are kings and queens in our own right.

Happy CHOOSEday everybody.

Well wishes and seed planting by just an ordinary girl ! 

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